2017 Annual General Meeting
Posted by Dougal Atack on 13 February 2017
This years AGM will be held as folls:
Keswick Bowls Pavilion in Fitz Park,
AGM from 7pm, covering Chairmans report, Secretarys report, Treasurers Report, Election of Officer, any changes in roles, Teams and Captains for 2017.
Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM and if you wish you can join us for a Pie and Pea supper from 8pm. Supper is £5.00 per person and veggie option is available. Also a raffle for 2 x brand new great quality Prince Tennis racquets, and other smaller prizes.
The Bar at the Bowls Club is the best value in town and we hope that new members can join us and we can chat more about how the Club works and how we are trying to improve things etc and please fell free to bring a friend or potential new members. Juniors please do come if you can. Its always good when we get together and have a few drinks and it will be great to catch up and start the tennis season off on a positive note!I do need to know numbers so please email us if you are coming and want to book your supper.
Hopefully see you all there!