New Rusty Racquets Club Night!
Posted by Dougal Atack on 10 April 2018
Rusty rackets club night (New) – Wednesday 6pm onwards!
Rusty rackets has now been changed from a formal paid coaching session to an informal ‘free for members’ club activities and club night.
Every Wednesday from 6pm onwards between 1st of May and 31st of August at the Braithwaite courts there will be an experienced club member to welcome any new members and host a fun and relaxed club night with a few drills and activities to help bring on everyone’s tennis game and improve their confidence.
There will be free refreshments and a chance to find out more about what’s happening in the club, as well as providing a less intimidating route to get into playing tennis
There will be a specific group chat set up to help keep everyone informed of if the club night is cancelled as well as creating a channel for less confident players to arrange to meet and play more often.
As it’s a club night, we will still charge non-members £5 for attending, however you can stay and play until the last member leaves and locks up!
If you would like to find out more, either come along or contact the club here.