League Matches!
Posted by Keswick Tennis Club Admin on 21 March 2017
The fixtures are now out and can be viewed either on the website via the calendar / club schedule or you can see via the attached document WCTL 2017 Fixtures.
We have entered 2 Mens teams, 2 Ladies teams and 2 Mixed teams. If you are interested in playing in the matches please contact the team captains which can be found here under 'Team management'.
Home matches will be played at either Fitz Park or Braithwaite depending on the Captain and weather at 6.40pm. There are usually food and snacks afterwards and the teams often retire to the Middle Ruddings Pub at Braithwaite or the Bowls Club house at Fitz Park. Visitors and other members are welcome to come down and watch and join the teams for drinks afterwards.
Good luck to all the teams for the season and lets hope for plenty of good weather!