2017 League Review
2017 West Cumbrian Tennis League Round Up
The club competes each year in the West Cumbrian Tennis League. As the 2018 season is just around the corner, i thought I'd give a quick overview of how all the teams faired during the 2017 season. -
AGM 26th Feb '18
AGM on Mon 26th Feb at 7pm at Fitz Park Bowls Club. Followed at 8pm with social including pie and pea supper
The annual...
The second division mixed match...
Matches 6 to 12 August.
Towards the end of...
Ladies 2 & Mixed 1 Week 16-22 July.
On what turned out to be....
Mixed Doubles Week 9-15 July
Despite there being...
League tennis has been badly hit....
Match Reports 18 to 24 June
Dougal Atack, captaining....
Match Reports Week 11 to 17June
Devotees of the Reminder's tennis column...